вторник, 7 октября 2014 г.

Smyrna defended by 35,000 men

The Day - Apr 24, 1915

Allied Aviators Learn Turkish City Surrounded by Strong Fortifications Now PARIS, April 24.—Allied aeroplanes are showing great activity over Smyrna, says a special despatch from Salonika. A French aviator recently dropped two bombs on Fort Kastro, killing several soldiers; another sank a German ship lying in port, and a third struck the railroad station. Observations made by aviators, according to the despatch, indicate that the Turkish forces assigned for the defense of Smyrna number 35,000. They occupy trenches extending from Vourlah to Smyrna and are posted on heights commanding the city. Forts Two Brothers and Rastrati have been repaired. A new fortification built above the farm of St. George has been armed with 30 heavy guns supposed to have been brought from Constantinople.

Turks Sea First British Prisoners.

CONSTANTINOPLE, April 23, via The Hague, and London — Six officers and 10 members of the crew of the British submarine E-15 were brought to Constantinople today. The officers and three of the wounded rode in carriages while the other men walked across the Stamboul bridge to the war department with a small escort. The procession was watched by an immense crowd as the men were the first British prisoners of war to reach the city. There was no demonstration, however. Announcement was made last Saturday of the sinking of the E-15 by the Turks in the Dardanelles. It was said that 24 men were saved.

More Turk Massacre Tales

TIFLIS, Transcaucasia, Friday, via. Petrograd and London, April 23. — A telegram received here from Byadin, a town near Bayazid, in Turkish Armenia, dated April 21, relates that 23 men have arrived there from Arzih- Kaleh and Suckham, near Lake Van, in Turkish Armenia. They bring a recital of the massacre by the police, on orders received from the Turkish authorities, of local Armenians. The Armenians of Arzish-Kaleh and Suckham have been called upon to provide supplies and assistance for the great number of refugees it is expected will come from the Vilayet of Van.

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